7 Tips To Help You Write An Essay About Yourself 5 Years From Now

This kind of writing assignment can feel a little strange at first because it’s hard to really grasp what it is that is being asked of you as a writer. Chances are though that you are over-thinking. It’s generally a pretty fun writing project that allows you to use a lot of creativity and personal reflection. But if you are having some trouble getting started, then these seven tips might help you compose an excellent assignment:

  • Tip #1: Brainstorm Fresh Ideas and Take Down Notes
  • One good way of brainstorming ideas is asking several questions, like what will I be driving? Or what will my profession be? These simple questions can help stir some of the creativity stored up inside you. Write down anything that comes to your mind so that you can develop a more focused idea.

  • Tip #2: Have a Good Opening Statement and Intro
  • You are going to want to hook the reader right from the start – this could mean your teacher, a classmate, or even yourself. Have a solid greeting and start off with an inviting statement. Questions or quotations work really well because they automatically get the reader involved.

  • Tip #3: Talk About Yourself and Where You Are Presently
  • Start by taking the reader through memory lane. Describe things about yourself in the present. What classes are you taking? Do you drive? Describe your neighborhood. Make a connection between yourself and the world around you.

  • Tip #4: Talk About Where You Thought You Would Be
  • Now it’s time to get into some guesswork. Your brainstorming session should have helped you focus on some things you want out of life in your future self. So, now is the time to introduce them, connecting them to things about you in the present.

  • Tip #5: Keep it Lively and Fun By Bringing Up Questions
  • There’s a lot that can be said about you by engaging the reader with questions you would like to know about them. This works really well, for instance, if your reader is someone you know presently. Ask about where they are in five years? Find out what they like, etc. Engage them and your writing will be much more enjoyable.

  • Tip #6: Have a Good and Optimistic Conclusion
  • When you’ve reached the end it would be a good idea to end on a positive note. No one wants to read something that ends tragically, or worse leaves too much open and doesn’t have a sense of closure. Avoid this by referring back to the beginning of the essay.

  • Tip #7: Revise, Edit, and Proofread Your Essay
  • Finally, don’t forget to revise, edit and proofread your work. Your reader will appreciate your work a lot more if he or she doesn’t have to stop to reread a statement or pause to make sense of a misspelled word. Spend ample time making corrections so your reader doesn’t have to.
